Ficus To Life

Everything You Need To Know About Ficus Tree

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How To Prune A Ficus Tree (And When To Do It)

Because ficus plants proliferate, even indoors, they will increase in size. While this is fantastic for owners who want a large and robust Ficus in their house, there is one issue: what happens when a Ficus plant surpasses its container?

Man cutting a Ficus annulata tree with clippers
Couple of gardeners with shovels planting ficus in glasshouse

6 Types Of Ficus Trees

Some of the most popular plants we like to grow indoors as houseplants are ficus trees. Each species produces visually appealing foliage and distinctive silhouettes, which makes them a delight to grow in our homes. 

How Often Should A Ficus Plant Be Watered?

Ficus plants are common in many homes across the globe. They are ideal for home staging and as a focal point in a room.

Close up view of ficus benjamina kinky leaves

Everything you Need to Know about Ficus Care!

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